How Linux manages resources: Task scheduling and memory

Linux is an open source operating system that differs from other operating systems in its efficiency in resource management. It is designed to ensure optimal utilization of CPU time and RAM. In this article, we will look at how Linux manages resources, especially task scheduling and memory management.

Task Scheduling in Linux

Task Scheduling is a key component of operating systems, including Linux. It determines which processes access processor time and in what order they are executed. Linux uses the task scheduler to efficiently distribute processor time among multiple running applications.

Basic concepts of task scheduling in Linux:

Processes: Processes are executable programs or tasks running in the operating system. Each process has its own process identifier (PID) and set of resources.

Priorities: Each process has its own priority, which determines how often and for how long the process accesses the processor. Priorities can be dynamically changed depending on the load on the system.

Real and virtual time: Linux Scheduler considers both actual and virtual execution time of processes. This allows for a more equitable distribution of CPU time and prevents processes from starving.

Round Robin and CFS: Linux uses several task scheduling algorithms, including Round Robin and Completely Fair Scheduler (CFS). CFS seeks to distribute CPU time evenly among processes, ensuring fairness of execution.

The task scheduler in Linux works so that processes can switch while multitasking without visible delay to the user, ensuring smooth and responsive system performance.

Memory management in Linux

Memory management is another important area where Linux excels. The Linux kernel efficiently manages the physical and virtual memory of the system, ensuring isolation and security of processes.

Here are the main aspects of memory management in Linux:

Virtual memory: Linux uses the concept of virtual memory, which allows each process to have its own address space. This avoids conflicts between processes and provides security.

Memory Pages: Physical and virtual memory are divided into small blocks called memory pages. The Linux kernel manages the allocation, release, and movement of pages to optimize memory usage.

Caching system: Linux makes extensive use of a caching system to store frequently used data and speed up access to it. This includes file system caches and page caches.

Swap memory: Linux supports a swap mechanism that allows inactive pages to be pushed from RAM to disk. This helps to avoid running out of physical memory.

Fragmentation management: The Linux kernel also takes care of memory fragmentation, preventing excessive memory fragmentation and ensuring efficient resource utilization.

Memory management in Linux ensures system stability and performance even under resource intensive applications.


Linux is an operating system that manages resources including task scheduling and memory management with brilliance. Efficient management of these aspects ensures high performance, reliability and security of the system. These features make Linux a popular choice for a wide range of applications, from servers to embedded systems to mobile devices.